Wednesday, April 29, 2009

200th Post

You know, this is my 200th post.

This fact has led me to pressure myself to come up with something AMAZING. So much pressure, in addition to finals, has led me to not post anything for days! So I decided I should probably just write a stupid post to get past the problem of working myself into a lather trying to come up with something exciting.

I'll do something phenomenal for my 500th post. :)

Now back to regularly scheduled programing. I have a billion things still to do this semester, and I have a meme waiting for me from Children of the 90s. I'll get to it tomorrow, hopefully! :)


Trixie said...

Congrats on your 200th post!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th post! Do they make greeting cards for that?

Thomas said...

How about this compromise - we expect a hilarious post from you with your 217th post?

Thomas said...

Just read your comment on my blog and, omigod, thanks for the reminder of being discreet on my blog.

Thomas said...

Btw, happy 200th post. What are you doing this Friday night?

Kaci said...

I think you did something quite amazing by introducing me to Childrens of the 90s. I predict many hours wasted reading the archives... :)