Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, I leave for London soon!

The last time I was in London, it was almost exactly 6 years ago. We flew home on March 20, 2003, the day the war started. I went with my friends Emily and Andrea, and we made sure to know where the Embassy was in case we wouldn't be able to get home. :)

That crazy, wild, Spring Break London trip is seared in my memory. The guy in our hostel room passing out wearing only a tshirt and socks. Spilling pineapple juice in my HAIR the first night in town (I may have been a little over-served -- this was the first night that I discovered beer and I did NOT get along) -- ewww, sticky, crunchy hair. Meeting boys from around Europe and spending lots of time with some Germans and some Spaniards. Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in a London pub (The Rat and Parrot) -- singing a Russian drinking song surrounded by people from all sorts of different countries. Enjoying a beautiful day in Strattford. Hanging out with Keith, who I was there, in part, to visit (at least for the first weekend).

I love London. I can't wait to get there and show Hal the city.

I also can't wait to see Paris. We think we're going to attend mass at Notre Dame, and I'm SO EXCITED about it. :)

Don't worry, I will be sure to tell you ALL ABOUT it when I get home! :)


Courtney said...

Have fun Stacie!!!!!

Laura said...

I've never been...only sat in the airport for a few hours once.
I hope you have a ball.