Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Let the partying begin! We are home and fed and ready for Beatles Rock Band.

Layla did ok in the car. She didn't like the crate at first, but she settled down (that might have been the benadryl). Every once in awhile she would whine, but she was much better than she had been in the past.

My parents got new floors. They're wood floors and they look really nice. I'm waiting for Layla to start running and fal lon her face, but she's been ok so far.

I'm looking forward to a weekend with my family. It's too bad that my brothers can't be with use this year (both are military and are at their respective bases). Hal and I are in charge of spoon bread for Thursday; we have all the ingredients and we just need to cook!

(I have determined that NaBloPoMo has just taught me that I'm very boring.)

What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? (Or, if you are in a Thanksgiving-less place, what are you doing this week?)


Amanda said...

My cousin is hosting Thanksgiving at his house in Napa. I'm pretty sure that's where I'm going to be, unless I go to my roommate's family's shindig. But I'd prefer to be with MY family, I like them :)

Otherwise, OUTLINING. oh my word, finals are SOON.

Jason, as himself said...

We're going to drive to Vegas to spend Thanksgiving with family. Have a good one!

MommyPhD.org said...

Don't we all look boring to ourselves? I am sure you are not! Happy Holidays!