Monday, November 2, 2009


Almost every night on the cruise, we went to the piano bar.

There were several regulars (besides us) at the piano bar. None were more memorable than Judy.

See Judy (the one in the glasses):


Nights found Judy by herself in the piano bar, smoking like a chimney and swigging down a variety of cocktails. Sometimes we were worried about her ability to stay on the bar stool, although she never fell off. She and my cousin Laura bonded immensely; Judy called Laura "Kentucky." Judy happened to have a lovely voice and accompanied our piano man on several songs during the week. She was a nice lady, even though we always talked with her when she was a little bleary.

We had fond memories of Judy.

And then, a month or so after the cruise, I got a frantic phone call from my cousin Kayla. Kayla was beside herself trying to get ahold of anyone in our family, and of course, we were all away from our phones. Judy had been spotted again!

On TV.

Reality TV, to be exact.

Tonight I got to see the whole show (I had previously had seen the Judy clips).

Judy stars on "World's Strictest Parents."

As you might imagine, she's not a one of the strict parents. In the show, she sends her son to live with the world's strictest parents so she can help him understand that "marijuana will ruin his life." Judy is pretty adorable on the show. She is kind and sympathetic and really cares about her son.

I never thought I would be in the presence of such stardom.

Who knows the people you'll meet at random cruise bars?

1 comment:

Sadako said...

Heh--I love meeting random people! It's so...random. And fun, too!